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Centre for modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics – CSD

The research center for modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics – CSD – targets how the subsurface is deformed as a result of injection and production of fluids. This occurs in production of hydrocarbons and geothermal energy, storage of energy or CO2 in the subsurface, or by disposal of wastewater.

CSD logo


Fundamental knowledge 

CSD’s primary objective is to develop fundamental knowledge and educate next generation researchers to understand how subsurface fluid injection and extraction results in deformation, fault reactivation and fracturing. 

In recent years, the surface manifestations of human fluid injection and production have become increasingly apparent. Production of hydrocarbons and geothermal energy, extraction of groundwater, subsurface energy storage, CO2 sequestration and wastewater disposal, all involve massive subsurface extraction and/or injection of fluids. 

The CSD centre will develop basic knowledge on how the subsurface deforms because of fluid injection and production.  


Four pillars

The CSD is organised in four pillars:
•    Two pillars focus on research, funded by the VISTA programme
•    One pillar focus on researcher training to ensure scientific and transferable skills training for PhD, Postdocs and Master students in the centre, funded by the VISTA programme
•    One pillar consists of affiliated research projects, which are funded through other grants

Mathematical and numerical modeling 

The centre targets critical and fundamental research questions through mathematical and numerical modeling and data analysis.
The CSD centre will contribute to developing new ground-breaking knowledge.


Five-year agreement

Established in 2021, the CSD center has a five-year agreement with the VISTA programme. 
It is financed with five million NOK each year.

In addition, CSD comprise several research projects and activity funded by:
•    the European Research Council (ERC MaPSI project)
•    the Research Council of Norway
•    the Equinor-UiB Akademia agreement
•    the University of Bergen

The CSD centre is led by professor Inga Berre, UiB.

Inga Berre
The Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) center is led by professor Inga Berre, UiB. (Foto: Eivind Senneset for UiB)

Research activities:

Find a list of ongoing research projects at the CSD.

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